Global Ibsen performing multiple modernities

'Global Ibsen' the different ways in which Ibsen's plays were & are performed in different cultures on five continents & examines the impact of such performances on the theatre, social life & politics of these cultures. It shows that performing Ibsen means performing multi...


其他作者: Fischer-Lichte, Erika (Editor), Gronau, Barbara (Editor), Weiler, Christel (Editor)
Resource Type: 圖書
出版: New York Routledge [2011]
叢編:Routledge advances in theatre and performance studies 15

College of Arts and Letters (UP Diliman)

Accession # Call # Volume/Part# Copy # Collection Circulation Type Circulation Status
CAL-12154 PT 8899 / G56 2011 Regular Circulation On-Shelf
CAL-12904 PT 8899 / G56 2011 Regular Circulation On-Shelf