An evaluation of the cataloging and classification practices among LibraryLink member-institutions in Metro Manila Angelina C. Mallanao ; Nathalie N. Dela Torre, adviser ; Rosalie B. Faderon, reader.

This study was conducted to assess the degree of adherence or deviation of eleven member-institutions of LibraryLink from the standard rules to know the reasons behind such deviations or modifications and to verify the completeness of information found in LibraryLink records. It aims to provide po...

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Príomhchruthaitheoir: Mallanao, Angelina C. (Údar)
Rannpháirtithe: Dela Torre, Nathalie N. (adviser.), Faderon, Rosalie B. (reader.)
Formáid: Tráchtas
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: Quezon City : School of Library and Information Studies, University of the Philippines Diliman 2010.