Citazione Stile APA (7a Edizione)

U.S. Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Division, Gale Research Inc, Runchock, R., & Droste, K. (1989). Class K. Subclass KD. Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland: Library of Congress classification schedules combined with additions and changes through 1988. Gale Research Inc.

Citazione stile Chigago Style (17a edizione)

U.S. Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Division, Gale Research Inc, Rita Runchock, e Kathleen Droste. Class K. Subclass KD. Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland: Library of Congress Classification Schedules Combined with Additions and Changes Through 1988. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Inc, 1989.

Citatione MLA (9a ed.)

U.S. Library of Congress. Subject Cataloging Division, et al. Class K. Subclass KD. Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland: Library of Congress Classification Schedules Combined with Additions and Changes Through 1988. Gale Research Inc, 1989.

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