Why men commit murder drives and motives of self-admitted murders

The main purpose of this study is to discover the Drives and Motives of Self-Admitted Murderers in Laguna Provincial Jail at Santa Cruz, Laguna. The research used the qualitative method including recorded interview, Interpretative Phenomological Analysis (IPA), administration of test, analysis and i...

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Argitaratua izan da:Tilamsik Vol. 8, no. 2 (Mar. 2016), 123-132
Egile nagusia: Pineda, Aldin Kate A.
Beste egile batzuk: Villanueva, Ashley Nicole V., Cosejo, Ma. Elna R.
Resource Type: Artikulua
Argitaratua: 2016
Gaia:The main purpose of this study is to discover the Drives and Motives of Self-Admitted Murderers in Laguna Provincial Jail at Santa Cruz, Laguna. The research used the qualitative method including recorded interview, Interpretative Phenomological Analysis (IPA), administration of test, analysis and interpretation of data. Respondents in this study were six (6) self-admitted male murderers, aged 34-62. Respondents'stories were treated in this paper as a case study. Content analysis was done as well. Researchers arrived at a conclusion that these self-admitted male murderers have common disturbances during their childhood and adolescence in relation to their Sack Sentence Completion Test results. In addition, all of the respondents strived for superiority based on Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology and had learned criminal behavior based on Edwin Sutherland's Differential Association Theory. It was therefore recommended that an extension program that would help inmated with their psychotherapeutic concerns be designed, such asanger management programs for the inmates.
Deskribapen fisikoa:illustrations