Galvez, Carlito G., Jr 173 Gambling 344 Games 328 Game theory 341 Garcia, Carlos F. 225 Garcillano, Virgilio 164 Gardening 129 Gardens 244 Gasoline 119 Gatchalian, Sherwin T. 169 Gay men 253 Gays 383 Gender identity 265 Generals 227 Generative grammar 163 Generative organs, Female 121 Genetic aspects 117 Genetic engineering 280 Genetics 772 Geochemistry 149 Geographic information systems 417 Geography 899 Geography, Economic 135 Geology 1,004 Geology, Stratigraphic 233 Geology, Structural 135 Geometry 363 Geometry, Analytic 428 Geometry, Differential 105 Geomorphology 114 Geophysics 166 Geopolitics 162 Geotechnical engineering 100 Geothermal resources 104 Geriatrics 121 German language 370 German literature 140 Germany 127 Gerontology 121 Gifted children 387 Global environmental change 120 Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 98 Globalization 1,507 Global warming 384 Globe Telecom, Inc 131 Gloria Macapagal Arroyo administration 1,440 Glossaries, vocabularies, etc 98 Go, Christopher Lawrence T. 519 God 155 Gold 106 Gold mines and mining 204 Gonzalez, Raul M. 99 Gordon, Richard J., Sr 270 Government agencies 239 Government aid 135 Government and the press 127 Government business enterprises 307 Government employees 582 Government executives 285 Government officials 228 Government ownership 126 Government policy 3,194 Government productivity 122 Government purchasing 113 Government relations 114 Government spending policy 199 Governors 280 Grading and marking (Students) 106 Graduates 219 Graduate work 162 Grain 139 Grammar 2,695 Grammar, Comparative and general 665 Graphic arts 483 Graphic design (Typography) 125 Graphic methods 244 Graphic novels 139 Graph theory 185 Great Britain 397 Greek letter societies 121 Gross domestic product 266 Gross national product 113 Groundwater 217 Group counseling 103 Group identity 187 Group psychotherapy 151 Group relations training 184 Group theory 121 Group work in education 151 Growth 857 Growth and development 100 Guerrillas 111 Guidebooks 238 Guimaras Island (Iloilo) 106 Guitar 131 Guitar music 149 Gun control 212 Gutierrez, Merceditas 165 Gymnastics 100 Gynecology 216